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Ubicación : Canada
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Número de amigos :0
Número de comentarios : 2
Número de evaluaciones : 2
Número de recomendaciones : 0
Miembro desde :31 2012
ltima conexión : 01 2012
Comentario sobre :

I like the many features of the software. I like their anonymous HU tables. There used to be many bots, but I am not 100% sure Party didn't do something about it lately (?). Now, there is a big issue at Partypoker with an autositting script used by a few players : each time a recreational player sits in, a few players insta-sit in at the fish's left position. Party needs to do something about these problems as it is very bad for the games.

Me gustó: the anonymous HU tables
No me gustó: the robots, the autosit script, the documents verification which is too much of a long process.
Comentario sobre :

Bwin still owns the Ongame network, although they should sell it soon and join PartyPoker's network and software. The bankroll is safe with Bwin, and your request will get a quicker answer there than with the other ongame skins' support.

Me gustó: the safety for my bankroll
No me gustó: it is impossible to get good rakeback deals with bwin. Moreover, the Essence loyalty programm is very unfair with the good players as the winning players will get less rewards than the losing players